Dr. Robert Arnold is a pediatric ophthalmologist who practiced with Ophthalmic Associates in Anchorage from 1989 through 2013. He originally moved from Bellingham, Washington to Alaska in 1976 to commercial fish and attend the University of Alaska-Fairbanks. After medical school at Yale and an ophthalmology residency at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, he did one additional fellowship training year in Pediatric ophthalmology and adult strabismus at Indiana University under Drs. Eugene Helveston, Daryel Ellis and David Plager. Dr. Arnold is certified with the American Board of Ophthalmology since 1990. Dr. Arnold has surgical privileges at Providence, Alaska Regional and Alaska Native Hospitals, the Professional Advisory Board at Alaska Surgery Center and has satellite clinics in Wasilla, Kodiak and Fairbanks.
Dr. Arnold has encouraged the use of the “Enhanced Bruckner Test” for primary care pediatric detection of serious vision problems in children. In 1995, Dr. Arnold purchased 2 MTI photoscreeners. The Alaska Blind Child Discovery became a concerted effort coordinated with the late Diane Armitage to provide valid image interpretation and parental notification for volunteer charitable screening in urban and rural Alaska.
Dr. Arnold served (2003-6) as the Chairman of the Vision Screening Committee for the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus (AAPOS) and is an investigator for the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group (PEDIG). He co-owns a company to provide user-friendly, cloud-based ROP-Check electronic medical records to prevent premature infants from going blind and a second company PDI Check LLC that has developed a vision screening game for the Nintendo 3DS. Dr. Arnold brings pediatric and adult eye care to oppressed ethnic groups in Burma. Dr. Arnold and his wife, Koni have two grown children who graduated from Grace: a married son Andrew (PNWU D.O. graduate with Stephanie Arnold, DO) who was an ophthalmic tech with ACES and daughter Elle (Westmont, married to pre-med Sam Martin).
Prov 4:25 and Eph 1:18.